Banned Foods Around the World Except in USA. Are You Eating Them?
Posted by GREGORY M on
Why are These Dangerous Food Products Still Allowed in the USA?
I do not care what they may have told you about food but I believe food has a lot to do with Cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart diseases in America!
...Just read down and be the judge
Besides Denmark, according to the world cancer research foundation, USA is #2 in the list of countries with most cancer cases in the world per every 100,000 people in the population.
But Denmark has a population of only 5.6 Million people, less than that of Dallas-Fort Worth in Texas.
That means the USA is the world cancer capital in numbers...NOT China!
The USA is also the world leader in Cardiovascular diseases and obesity But Why? Are you eating these foods the rest of the world has banned? And why are these foods still being allowed in America anyway?
Are politicians part of the American big pharma?
Although FDA, USDA, and EPA have been there for decades, why are these bad foods still being allowed in America? Coincidentally, these banned foods around the world except in the US has been linked to cancer in numerous cancer research and other diseases. Your comment is appreciated
Here is the dirty list banned around the world but still allowed in the USA
Artificial Dyes
Artificial dyes are banned in many countries like the UK, Denmark, Australia, Finland, France just to name a few.
Which foods contain artificial dyes in America? Almost every food sold in America – really. Drinks, Cakes, Candies, Juices – You name it. These dyes are particularly made from petroleum.
Yup! Like your car gas or engine oil or jet engine fuel. There are more than 3000 food coloring additives used in almost anything you can think about linked to behavioral problems, especially in kids.
These dyes have also been connected to serious forms of cancer.
Farm Raised Salmon Fish
Wild raised salmon fish gets its bright red palatable color from natural carotenoids it eats naturally in the wild.
Farm raised salmon fish – the commonest salmon you will find in the USA is farm raised, unfortunately. And you find true farm-raised salmon, you are going to realize it is much more expensive than the dangerous banned type.
Fishes are known to very susceptible to toxins and can accumulate these toxins in its flesh. Example, farm-raised salmon has ugly looking graying color, unlike wild salmon.
How can you tell if salmon fish is wild or farm-raised?
Wild salmon is very red and lean. While the season wild salmon is caught has an effect of depth of the color, farm-raised salmon is pale and fatty.
Avoid the so-called Pacific salmon. This is 100% farm-raised salmon and may be loaded with these dangerous accumulations of antibiotics, growth hormones and such.
Aim for Alaskan salmon or “sockeye salmon”. This sockeye salmon is also from Alaska but at least, it is illegal to farm raise sockeye salmon. You may see canned Alaskan salmon or sockeye but avoid all canned foods for health sake.
Canned foods preservatives could be more dangerous than the condemned salmon.
Potassium Bromate You know it is bad enough if China has banned it – but not in the USA. It is banned in Canada, all European countries and Australia.
This chemical is found in bread, wraps, rolls, bagel chips, and bread crumbs – practically most bread products.
Bakeries use this dangerous chemical to reduce baking time and lower production cost. Before you buy that cheap bread, think twice. They say you get what you pay for. -
Synthetic growth hormones rBGH and rBST
rBHG stands for recombinant bovine growth hormone, the largest selling animal drug in the USA. rBST stands for recombinant bovine somatotropin hormone, another nasty growth hormone.
In America, these growth hormones are meats, milk, and milk products. All sorts of meats from pork, beef, chicken, you name it. These hormones are injected into cows to increase milk production, speed up recovery from about 16 documented cow diseases and conditions.
Growth hormones have been linked to cancer, excessive growth, infertility, colorectal, prostate, and breast cancer by promoting conversion of normal tissue cells into cancerous ones.
Non-organic dairy farms frequently have rBGH-injected cows that suffer at least 16 different adverse health conditions, including very high rates of mastitis that contaminate milk with pus and antibiotics.
A research study using E.Coli bacteria revealed that use of antibiotics together with these growth hormones to treat cow infections leads to antibiotic-resistant bugs, currently overwhelming healthcare in the USA.
Europe, Australia, Canada and even third world countries like Kenya as the banned use of these dangerous drugs on foods. -
Genetically Engineered Papaya
American farming is almost 90% GMO, unfortunately. Most Hawaii papayas (pawpaw in British English) are genetically engineered to resists ringspot virus.
Research has demonstrated that animals fed with GMO products are at risk of many diseases, infertility by the third or fourth generation of the offspring and massive cancers. -
Ractopamine-Tainted Meat:
Ractopamine is a Beta-Adrenergic Agonist drug (A classification of drugs used to relax muscles in medicine) used in animals to increase the bulk of muscles.
This dug used in healthcare in Asthma cases was introduced to livestock when scientists found out that when given to rats, their muscle mass increased.
Statistically, this drug is used in almost 50% of pigs in America, cattle, and turkey before slaughter. This increases the muscle mass in the last mile before the sale – your plate.
Unfortunately, this drug remains in the meat even by the time you pick it up on the shelves. A whopping 160 countries around the world have banned this dangerous drug except in the USA.
It has been banned for use in animals in European union, China, Taiwan, Russia, and most countries in Africa like Kenya and South Africa.
In Feb 2006, Russia banned the importation of meat from the USA. Yea!... you can call it politics but lives are at stake here.
The Russian authorities demanded certification of American meat to be Ractopamine free but the US does not even test this drug in meats sold to her consumers.
Health Concerns: Several health concerns have been linked to the consumption of products that are Ractopamine-Tainted.
These included -Infertility -Birth defects like cleft palate, fused joints among others -Increased mastitis in mammals -Increased childhood disability and death In pigs and cattle, with death being the leading side effect,
Ractopamine leads to hunger and excessive appetite, bloating, aggressiveness and stress Russian scientists have linked the drug to cardiovascular concerns like tachycardia and hyperactivity.
As a nurse, myself, I can tell professionally confirm that Beta Agonist drugs used to treat Asthma increases heart rate.
Ask Any Nurse or a Doctor!
How to find Ractopamine free meats in the USA? For the sake of your dear life, stay away from large-scale retailers like Walmart.
While I am not endorsing Wholefoods and such stores, it is very easy to identify local farmers in the US, who are growing their livestock naturally.
There are also local farmer’s markets where you can buy locally non-commercially raised meat products. -
Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) or Flame Retardant Drinks
Do you enjoy drinks like Mountain Dew and Sports Drinks like Gatorade? Then you might be a huge consumer of this banned food additive around the world.
Brominated vegetable oil is classified as a halogen in a periodic table together with chemicals like Chlorine, Fluorine, and Iodine. Iodine, as you may already know, is a trace element required by our bodies to prevent against a condition called Goiter.
BVO competes with receptor cells in the body that captures Iodine – the good stuff. This drug causes depression and a hormone disruptor.
The US government allows the use of this drug by up to 5% concentration but the drug bio-accumulate (adds up in the body) and can build up to high toxic levels.
BVO is banned for use in Japan, European union and India. It is unlikely to find such products banned in third world countries because they mainly consume imported products, rather than locally made products.
Arsenic-Laced Chicken
Arsenic is a world-wide known potent carcinogen. This carcinogen is allowed for use in American animal feeds because it makes animals grow faster and make meat pinker.
What did I just read?
The FDA allows the use of arsenic on the basis that it is organically produced and less toxic than inorganically produced arsenic. Here is a simple fact…If the chemical formula or organic or inorganic arsenic is the same, the poison is the same…Arsenic.
Pharmaceutical company Pfizer removed organic arsenic products from animal feeds in 2011 per Dr. Mercola’s website, a well-respected healthy living practitioner.
It is important to notice that several other pharmaceutical companies have voluntarily withdrawn their arsenic-containing drugs and published on FDA website but the FDA has no legal/formal restriction.
Poultry fed with 3-Nitro feed was found to have dangerous levels of inorganic arsenic in their liver. The liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body.Image from News Target[/caption]
Olestra/Olean This chemical manufactured and marketed by Proctor and Gamble is a fat-free and Cholesterol-free additive commonly used in the product like chips, fat-free snacks, and French fries.
This is such a deceptive tactic of tricking consumers that fat-free and cholesterol-free snacks are a healthier product.
Not really if you are loading yourself with Olean. Perdue university research revealed that rats fed with Olean laced potato chips gained a lot of weight.
You can see the article on weight loss on Perdue University website.Olean also distorts the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E&K. FDA has only asked manufacturers using Olean to add/fortify their products with these vitamins (A, D, E,&K). What’s the point of the point of they are not going to be absorbed? -
BHA & BHT Preservatives
BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) are nasty food preservatives that can be found in breakfast cereal, nut mixes, chewing gum, butter spread, meat, dehydrated potatoes, and beer, just to name a few.
The US acknowledges that these food preservatives cause cancer in rats in the lab but still allows them to be used in human foods.
Department of health and human services in 2011 “anticipates” BHA & BHT to be carcinogenic in Humans.UK, European Union, and Japan have banned these products in human foods but not in the USA.
How to Avoid Dangerous Foods in USA
Think about this, statistically, over 90% of the money used by Americans to buy foods is spent on processed foods.Most of these chemicals are found in processed foods, fast foods restaurant, large-scale retail store foods and what I like calling – middle isle foods.
I call them middle isle foods because most of the healthy foods are usually not in the middle isles of supermarkets like Walmart.
I bet you will not find organic bananas in the middle aisle of your favorite grocery store but you will find a lot of juices, sodas, baked food products and more.
They occupy the biggest percentage of most stores
How to Select Safe Foods and eat safely.
- Avoid processed foods: Anything that is canned or made in a plant/factory is probably processed food and may contain these dangerous chemicals.
- Make a habit of reading food labels carefully and avoid obvious dangers. Example, you now should be suspicious of the so-called Fat-free and cholesterol free products. Just knowing that increases your chances of making a better choice.
- Spend a little bit more time cooking your own food: instead of eating out in restaurants or fast food restaurants, cook for the sake of your health and your savings. This is a safer way to avoid these dangerous foods.
- Make a habit of buying foods from local farmers: Small-scale farmers are more likely to use organic methods raising crops and livestock. Commercial production of food focused on quantity and profits are dangerous. Buyer beware.
- Use water filters that can filter water contaminants that can be harmful to your health. Avoid bottled water at any cost. Use water filters for chemicals or boil water to avoid bacteria contamination.
- Wash your fruits and vegetables, always: This might sound obvious but it is a good practice to not only avoid disease-causing bacteria but also wash out chemicals.
- Avoid cooking using non-stick cookware unless it is porcelain: There are concerns that non-stick cookware emits cancerous chemicals when heated.
- Avoid heating plastics: Plastics are also known to contains chemicals linked to cancer. Plastics are not meant to be put in a microwave but we do it all the time.
- Avoid storing your safely cooked meal for more than a day: Not all bacteria are killed or prohibited by low temperatures. Some bacteria thrive well at low temperatures and can be dangerous.
- Learn healthy eating habits: How, when and what you eat is all important in managing, controlling and improving overall health and weight loss. Be wise about using supplements especially when it comes to tracing and essential nutrients. Avoid dangerous cosmetics laced with chemicals